Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My 5 Most Exciting Upcoming Games for Xbox 360 (Part 5)

1. Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution

The dead horse I like to beat here at RKReviews is how hungry I am for something new.  I want the next generation-defining game to stand up from the crowd of also-rans and turn everything we knew about video games upside down. And I want it now. The original Halo did this, forever changing First-Person-Shooters by creating a successful game that both limited how many guns the player could carry whilst adding regenerating health.  Is Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution the game I have been waiting for?

Adam Jensen from Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution.  Photo property of IGN.

In response to the above question, no. Deus Ex 3 will in all likelihood not be the game I have been dreaming about. But if the new game is anything like its predecessors, then it could be a very talented title. Some people will not remember the first Deus Ex games, which were released on the PC and last console generation. The previous installments in the series were FPS-hybrids with Role-Playing elements sprinkled in. Player character decisions played a large role, as did the story, all in a unique cyberpunk/Bladerunner sort of futuristic atmosphere.

The games allowed the player to specialize in anything from nano-augmentations to hacking and negotiation to proficiency with weapons.  And it did not discourage the player from the less combat-based options, always allowing the player to complete the missions in a multitude of ways.  The first two installments were developed by the now defunct Ion Storm Inc. The new Deus Ex, which is set as a prequel to the other games as to not alienate those who haven't played the other titles, is being developed by Eidos Montreal (who are also working on the fourth installment in the Thief series) in co-production with Square Enix. The change of developers makes me wonder if Human Revolution will carry the same pizazz that primarily existed in the first Deus Ex.

But when it comes down to it, I am excited and looking forward to this game no matter what. It has a killer look and feel to it, what I've heard from the main voice actor (Elias Toufexis) sounds really cool, the settings are original and not muddied by gunmetal gray or dirt brown, the different augmentations and abilities the main protagonist can get look awesome and my socks were almost blown right off my feet when I saw the E3 teaser trailer.  I am absolutely pumped for this title, even if it isn't an answer to my dream of a generation defining game.

Video Property of IGN.

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